Source code for Karma.PostProcessing.Palisade._lazy

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Helper classes for lazy evaluation."""

import abc
import ast
import six
import operator

__all__ = [
    'LazyNodeBase', 'LazyIterableNodeBase',
    'Lazy', 'Map', 'List', 'String', 'FormatString',
    'If', 'Try',
    'BinOp', 'Op', 'Call', 'Attribute']

    # Python 3
    from inspect import Signature, Parameter
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    from funcsigs import Signature, Parameter

    # arithmetic
    'add': (operator.add, True),
    'sub': (operator.sub, True),
    'mul': (operator.mul, True),
    'truediv': (operator.truediv, True),
    'floordiv': (operator.floordiv, True),
    'mod': (operator.mod, True),
    # binary arithmetic
    'lshift': (operator.lshift, True),
    'rshift': (operator.rshift, True),
    # logical
    'and': (operator.and_, True),
    'or': (operator.or_, True),
    'xor': (operator.xor, True),
    # comparison
    'eq': (operator.eq, False),
    'ne': (, False),
    'lt': (, False),
    'le': (operator.le, False),
    'gt': (, False),
    'ge': (, False),
    # other
    'getitem': (operator.getitem, False),
    'contains': (operator.contains, False),

    'invert': operator.invert,
    'neg': operator.neg,
    'pos': operator.pos,

# 'div' operator only available in Python 2
if six.PY2:
    _OPERATORS['div'] = (operator.div, True)

# '_abs' operator only available in Python 3
if six.PY3:
    _UNARY_OPERATORS['abs'] = operator._abs

[docs]def lazify(obj): """Convert an object into a lazy version of the object. Returns *lazy node* objects unchanged. Converts tuples and list into :py:class:`~Palisade.List` objects and dicts into :py:class:`~Palisade.Map` objects. Wraps everything else in a :py:class:`~Palisade.Lazy` container.""" if isinstance(obj, LazyNodeBase): # pass `LazyNodes` through untouched return obj elif isinstance(obj, dict): # convert dictionaries to `Map` return Map(obj) elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple): # convert lists and tuples to `List` return List(obj) else: # convert everything else to `Lazy` return Lazy(obj)
def _add_operators(cls): """class decorator for implementing common operator methods for nodes""" for name, (op, add_reversed) in list(_OPERATORS.items()): setattr(cls, '__{}__'.format(name), cls._make_binop_method(op)) if add_reversed: setattr(cls, '__r{}__'.format(name), cls._make_rbinop_method(op)) for name, op in _UNARY_OPERATORS.items(): setattr(cls, '__{}__'.format(name), cls._make_unaryop_method(op)) return cls
[docs]@_add_operators @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class LazyNodeBase(object): """The abstract base class from which all lazy node objects must inherit.""" _fields = tuple() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Default constructor: parse all arguments as field names and nodes""" _nargs = len(args) + len(kwargs) if _nargs > len(self.__class__._fields): raise TypeError( "{}() takes at most {} argument{} but {} were given".format( self.__class__.__name__, len(self.__class__._fields), "" if len(self.__class__._fields) == 1 else "s", _nargs, ) ) # parse call signature and determine attributes _attrs = {} for _i, _f in enumerate(self.__class__._fields): try: _attrs[_f] = kwargs[_f] if _f in kwargs else args[_i] except IndexError: # argument list too short raise TypeError( "{}() missing required argument: '{}'".format( self.__class__.__name__, _f ) ) # set attributes for _attr, _value in _attrs.items(): setattr(self, '_'+_attr, lazify(_value)) __init__.__signature__ = Signature( parameters=[ Parameter(name=_f, kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) for _f in _fields ] ) if six.PY3: def __bool__(self): """All lazy objects are falsy,""" return False else: def __nonzero__(self): """All lazy objects are falsy,""" return False def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Override deepcopy.""" # this simplifies the implementation of Processors, # but could have unintended consequences # TODO: reimplement processors wihout `deepcopy` return self def __hash__(self): """Hash is computed as if the lazy object were a tuple.""" return tuple.__hash__(tuple(self.__dict__['_'+_f] for _f in self._fields)) def __getattr__(self, attr): """Make a lazy :py:class:`~Palisade.Attribute` node using the current node as the object and the supplied argument as the attribute name.""" return Attribute( obj=self, attr=lazify(attr)) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Make a lazy :py:class:`~Palisade.Call` node using the current node as the callable and the supplied arguments as the call arguments.""" return Call( func=self, args=lazify(args), kwargs=lazify(kwargs)) def _get_repr(self, pprint=False, level=1): _prefix = '\n'+level * ' ' if pprint else '' return '{}({})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join([ '{}{}={}'.format( _prefix, f, (self.__dict__['_'+f]._get_repr(pprint=pprint, level=level+1) if isinstance(self.__dict__['_'+f], LazyNodeBase) else repr(self.__dict__['_'+f])) ) for f in self.__class__._fields ]) + ('\n'+(level-1) * ' ' if pprint and level > 0 else '') ) def __repr__(self): return self._get_repr()
[docs] def pprint(self): """Pretty-print entire dependency tree for this node.""" print(self._get_repr(pprint=True, level=1))
@classmethod def _make_binop_method(cls, op): def _binop_method(self, other): return BinOp(left=self, right=lazify(other), op=op) return _binop_method @classmethod def _make_rbinop_method(cls, op): def _rbinop_method(self, other): return BinOp(left=lazify(other), right=self, op=op) return _rbinop_method @classmethod def _make_unaryop_method(cls, op): def _unaryop_method(self): return Op(operand=self, op=op) return _unaryop_method
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def eval(self, context=None): """Evaluate this node with an optional context.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class LazyIterableNodeBase(LazyNodeBase): """Iterable nodes must provide an __iter__ method""" @abc.abstractmethod def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Lazy(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy container for a single value `value`. It will be replaced with the contained value on evaluation. Note that :py:class:`~Palisade.Lazy` behaves differently from other lazy containers in that it does not call the `eval` method of its contained object. If :py:class:`~Palisade.Lazy` is used to contain objects derived from *lazy node*, the `eval` method. must be called explicitly.""" _fields = ('value',) def __init__(self, value): self._value = value def _get_repr(self, pprint=False, level=1): return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._value)
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): return self._value
# note: Map implementation differs from 'dict': # stores keys and values in two coordinated lists # -> not made iterable for simplicity
[docs]class Map(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that acts as a dict-like container for the key-value pairs contained in `mapping`. Both the keys and and values stored in `mapping` should be lazy objects. They will be evaluated when the enclosing :py:class:`~Palisade.Map` is evaluated. Constructing a :py:class:`~Palisade.Map` with keys or values not derived from a *lazy node* class will cause these to be wrapped inside a :py:class:`~Palisade.Lazy` container.""" _fields = ('keys', 'values') def __init__(self, mapping): self._keys = list(map(lazify, mapping.keys())) self._values = list(map(lazify, mapping.values())) def _get_repr(self, pprint=False, level=1): _prefix = '\n'+level * ' ' if pprint else '' return '{}({{{}}})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join([ '{}{} : {}'.format( _prefix, (_k._get_repr(pprint=pprint, level=level+1) if isinstance(_k, LazyNodeBase) else repr(_k)), (_v._get_repr(pprint=pprint, level=level+1) if isinstance(_v, LazyNodeBase) else repr(_v)) ) for _k, _v in zip(self._keys, self._values) ]) + ('\n'+(level-1) * ' ' if pprint and level > 0 else '') )
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): return { k.eval(context): v.eval(context) for k, v in zip(self._keys, self._values) }
[docs]class List(LazyIterableNodeBase): """A lazy object that acts as a list-like container for the elements contained in `elts`. The elements of `elts` should be lazy objects. They will be evaluated when the enclosing :py:class:`~Palisade.List` is evaluated. Constructing a :py:class:`~Palisade.List` from objects not derived from a *lazy node* class will cause these to be wrapped inside a :py:class:`~Palisade.Lazy` container.""" _fields = ('elts',) def __init__(self, elts): self._elts = list(map(lazify, elts)) def _get_repr(self, pprint=False, level=1): _prefix = '\n'+level * ' ' if pprint else '' return '{}([{}])'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join([ '{}{}'.format( _prefix, (_e._get_repr(pprint=pprint, level=level+1) if isinstance(_e, LazyNodeBase) else repr(_e)) ) for _e in self._elts ]) + ('\n'+(level-1) * ' ' if pprint and level > 0 else '') ) def __getitem__(self, index): return self._elts[index] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._elts)
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): return [el.eval(context) for el in self._elts]
[docs]class If(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that represents a conditional expression that evaluates to either `true_value` or `false_value` depending on the truth value of the condition `condition`. The `condition`, `true_value` and `false_value` should be lazy objects. They will be evaluated when the `If` is evaluated. The operator `op` must be a callable that takes exactly two positional arguments.""" _fields = ('condition', 'true_value', 'false_value') def __init__(self, condition, true_value, false_value): return LazyNodeBase.__init__(self, condition, true_value, false_value)
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): if self._condition.eval(context): return self._true_value.eval(context) else: return self._false_value.eval(context)
[docs]class Try(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that represents a try-except clause that attempts to evaluate to `value`. If an exception is thrown during evaluation, its type is it checked against `exception`. If the exception is an instance of `exception`, it is caught and `value_on_exception` is evaluated and returned, otherwise it is raised.""" _fields = ('value', 'exception', 'value_on_exception') def __init__(self, value, exception, value_on_exception): return LazyNodeBase.__init__(self, value, exception, value_on_exception)
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): try: return self._value.eval() except self._exception.eval(): return self._value_on_exception.eval()
[docs]class BinOp(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that represents a binary operation `op` to be applied to the `left` and `right` operands. The operands `left` and `right` should be lazy objects. They will be evaluated when the ``BinOp`` is evaluated. The operator `op` must be a callable that takes exactly two positional arguments.""" _fields = ('left', 'right', 'op') def __init__(self, left, right, op): self._left = lazify(left) self._right = lazify(right) self._op = op
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): return self._op(self._left.eval(context), self._right.eval(context))
[docs]class Op(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that represents a unary operation `op` to be applied to the operand `operand`. The operand `operand` should be a lazy object. It will be evaluated when the ``Op`` is evaluated. The operator `op` must be a callable that takes exactly one positional argument.""" _fields = ('operand', 'op') def __init__(self, operand, op): self._operand = lazify(operand) self._op = op
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): return self._op(self._operand.eval(context))
[docs]class Call(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that represents an invocation of a callable `func` with the positional arguments `args` and the keyword arguments `kwargs`. The function `func` should be a lazy object that evaluates to a callable. It will be evaluated when the ``Call`` is evaluated. The arguments `args` and `kwargs` must be lazy objects that evaluate to a list and a dictionary, respectively. They will be evaluated when the ``Call`` is evaluated and will be passed to the evaluated `function` as unpacked positional and keyword arguments, respectively.""" _fields = ('func', 'args', 'kwargs') def __init__(self, func, args, kwargs): return LazyNodeBase.__init__(self, func, args, kwargs)
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): return self._func.eval(context)(*self._args.eval(context), **self._kwargs.eval(context))
[docs]class Attribute(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that represents access to the attribute `attr` of the object `obj`. The object `obj` and the attribute `attr` should be lazy objects that evaluate to an object and a string, respectively. They will be evaluated when the `Attribute` is evaluated.""" _fields = ('obj', 'attr') def __init__(self, obj, attr): return LazyNodeBase.__init__(self, obj, attr)
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): return getattr(self._obj.eval(context), self._attr.eval(context))
[docs]class FormatString(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that represents a string template `template` together with a context `context` used to fill the template. The `template` is a lazy object that evaluates to a string. It will be evaluated when the `FormatString` is evaluated. The `context` must be a lazy object that evaluates to a dictionary that containd the keys 'args' and 'kwargs'. The values corresponding to these keys will be evaluated when the ``FormatString`` is evaluated and will be passed to the `format` method of the evaluated `template` as unpacked positional and keyword arguments, respectively.""" _fields = ('template', 'context') def __init__(self, template, context): return LazyNodeBase.__init__(self, template, context)
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): _fs = self._template.eval(context) _ctx = self._context.eval(context) return _fs.format(*_ctx.get('args', tuple()), **_ctx.get('kwargs', dict()))
[docs]class String(LazyNodeBase): """A lazy object that represents a string `s`. The passed object `s` should be a lazy object. It will be evaluated and passed through the built-in `str` method when the ``String`` is evaluated.""" _fields = ('s',) def __init__(self, s): return LazyNodeBase.__init__(self, s)
[docs] def eval(self, context=None): return str(self._s.eval(context))
[docs] def format(self, *args, **kwargs): """Convert to a lazy :py:class:`~Palisade.FormatString` using the supplied arguments as a context.""" return FormatString( template=self._s, context=dict(args=lazify(args), kwargs=lazify(kwargs)))