####################### **Karma** documentation ####################### **Karma** is a set of tools intended for use in high-energy physics (HEP) analyses. These analyses process a large amount of data and typically involve many data-processing steps. Consider the following typical workflow for HEP analyses performed at the CMS experiment: 1. **Skimming**: event data in an experiment-specific format (``AOD``, ``miniAOD``, etc.) is "skimmed" to an analysis-specific format which only stores information relevant for the analysis in question. 2. **N-tuple production**: the "skims" are then processed by the main analysis code. This produces so-called n-tuples, which store a fixed number of characteristic quantities for each event 3. **Data reduction**: the raw data contained in the n-tuples is then filtered, split into regions and binned to produce final analysis-level objects (i.e. histograms, profile histograms, etc.) 4. **Post-processing**: finally, post-processing operations (histogram manipulation, fits, etc.) are applied to the analysis-level objects and the results are extracted or represented graphically ("plotted"). While the *Karma* package provides tools for performing each of the steps outlined above, this guide only covers the tools used for the last two steps. They are called **Lumberjack** (used for *data reduction* to e.g. histograms) and **Palisade** (used for generic *post-processing*). .. toctree:: :name: mastertoc :maxdepth: 3 :includehidden: parts/installation parts/concepts parts/lumberjack/user_guide parts/palisade/user_guide parts/api_documentation/index